Copper Won't Rise In A Pool
There are three things that will keep the copper from rising in a pool:
- Low calcium
- Phosphates present over 200 ppm
- Copper electrodes loose or have fallen off of the screws
- The Control Box not working properly
Items needed to determine why copper isn't rising in a pool:
- pH Test Kit or Digital Test Kit
- Copper Test Kitor Digital Test Kit
- Calcium Test Kit or a Digital Test Kit
- Phosphate Test Kit or Digital Test Kit
- Liquid Muriatic Acid (Hydrochloric Acid) or Acid Magic (Muriatic Acid Replacment)
- Calcium Chloride Flakes (may be needed to raise calcium)
- Phosphate Remover (may be needed to remove phosphates)
1) Test calcium. Raise to 400+ ppm - try raising the copper. If it doesn't rise go on to the next step.
2) Test Phosphates. Use recommended phosphate remover if over 200 ppm. Try raising the copper. If it doesn't rise go on to the next step.
3) Check to make sure the electrodes are still over 1/16" and are still tight on the screws. Replace them if needed. Try to raise copper. If the copper still won't rise go on to the next step.
4) Check to make sure the control box is operating correctly. Use a voltmeter at the heads of the bolts on the chamber to make sure the electrodes are getting about 7 - 19 volts of electricity.