How To Open An ECOsmarte Pool

Items needed to Open An ECOsmarte Pool:


1)  Test pH.  If it is above of the 7.2, Lower pH until it is 6.6 - 7.0 (aim for 6.6).  Retest the pH and adjust further if needed until it is within - 6.6 - 7.0

2)  Test Copper.  If the copper is below the .3ppm range,  Raise Copper until it is .4 - .7ppm.  

3)  Test Calcium.  If it is below 300 ppm, Raise Calcium up to 400 ppm.  (Minimum 300 ppm)

4)  Test Phosphates.  If the result is between 1-1000 ppm use one of these phosphate removal products to remove them:  Sea Klear Phosphate Remover, Phos-Free, Zero-Phos, or Phos-X.  If the phosphates are above 1000 ppm, use Sea Klear Phosphate Remover.

5)  If the pool has leaves and debris - hand vacuum to waste - do not vacuum through the filter.

6)  Brush down the sides of the pool to clean off any algae or other contaminants.

7)  Inspect the filter, thoroughly clean the filter system.

      a)  Sand Filter With Sand

      b)  Sand Filter With GlassPack Media

      c)  DE Filter

8)  Turn on the filtration system.

9)  Test the pH again and adjust if needed.

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